About Me
Am I in a Hurry?
Growing up, my last name would give people a certain impression of me. Is she a child that always wants to go fast? That never stops? Always go, go, go all the time?
And then, after only a handful of minutes, they’d figure out I was the exact opposite of my name. In fact, my nick-name as a young child was Turtle. I moved at my own pace and never concerned myself with how fast the rest of the world moved around me. Oh, to be able to easily brush off the rat race and forget about all adult responsibilities again, to get that lost in discovery and imagination.
The irony of my name, however, was never lost on me. Even as that turtle-paced child.
As you might have guessed, as a child I was a dreamer. It’s not that I didn’t find real life interesting. On the contrary, through good times and hard times, I would (over)think about my reactions and about the reactions of each living being around me, and found each human response to a situation, each animal response, each and every tiny part of existence, fascinating. And all of it deserved a story about it.
For as far back as I can remember, I’ve been creating, imagining and inventing stories, people, and places that would entertain and touch a part of my soul. It was a hobby. Though I loved it, becoming an author was not my initial chosen path. My first choice was horse trainer. That was a wild time of self-discovery and passion. Of discovering the wilderness of Canada and of my heart. I still love horses, but through those few years, I learned it was to also be a hobby for me.
Film school, with a specialization in screenwriting, was next on the list. It was one of the most amazing times of my life. It was fraught with long days of blank pages and blinking cursors. Of pushing and stretching my mind to it’s limits. I loved it. That’s all I can say.
So I stepped into the film industry with enthusiasm. I worked long days at two jobs, only one of which was in film. Early morning and late nights ensued, but ultimately, my body gave out under the stress and once again forced me to slow down, like that child from years ago.
Some amount of time and two chronic illnesses rekindled that curiosity, those stories. I’m once again that turtle-paced dreamer but with reignited excitement.
So, am I in a hurry?
No. However, there is an exhilaration I feel for this new journey that I can’t describe. And that might make me ramble a little too much to those close to me.
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